Tag Archives: brawl in cell block 99

Best of the Decade – 2010’s: Tristan, Part 1: #11-25

Now that the bulk of the film’s have been listed, Cory and I can get into the meat of the decade. What truly made an impression on us? Here are the next fifteen film’s in my list, ranked 25 through 11:

25) Can You Ever Forgive Me? – 2018


I don’t have the film Spy on this list, although it was a complete and pleasant surprise that year. The reason I bring it up is that often the perception around Melissa McCarthy is that she can go either way, trending more often towards boisterously unfunny. I tend to like her as an actress, but her comedies can be too broad and make her seem less of a talent. Luckily there are the precious films she’s absolutely shone in, and here is her finest work. Starring as failed novelist Lee Israel, who’s found herself struggling to even write dime store biographies, McCarthy finds a beautiful pathos to represent those in life that have been in sight of success but never really grasped it. This is a movie for those that made it squarely to the middle, and no one plays it better than McCarthy or her counterpart in the film, Richard E. Grant’s scoundrel Jack. The pair play off each other like a modern Ratso Rizzo and Joe Buck with stealing as their game, rather than prostitution. That their lot in life only seems like it could be any one of us, if our own personal safety nets fell through, is a statement on current society that feels almost too heartbreaking.

24) The Social Network – 2010

Aaron Sorkin has a penchant for finding the pulse in the vein of society’s underbelly. He did it with A Few Good Men, turning a four-star general into a villain that was “just doing his job”. We all had assumed Mark Zuckerberg was a more convivial executive, home-grown genius on par with Jeff Bezos or Steve Jobs. This film brought to light how often those we think mean the best are actually more insidiously self-righteous. Whip-smart dialogue spoken by Jesse Eisenberg in his defining role as the Facebook founder combines with David Fincher’s shadowy cinematography to craft a modern noir, something no one expected from an origin story for the social media platform. Throw in one of the most electric soundtracks of the decade from Nine Inch Nails’ Trent Reznor and you have the formula for perfection, something I can only hope Mark himself appreciated.

Continue reading Best of the Decade – 2010’s: Tristan, Part 1: #11-25

Podcast January 13 – Phantom Thread and The Commuter

Our next podcast needs no introduction, but I suppose technically you want to know what we talked about, right?

Phantom Thread expanded slightly wider and Cory was able to see Daniel Day-Lewis’s potential final performance, while also taking in the first new film of 2018 – Liam Neeson’s newest January “thriller” The Commuter. He also caught up with Tristan by seeing recent awards darling The Florida Project.

Tristan caught up with Cory as well by seeing the number two on Cory’s best of 2017 list, Brawl in Cell Block 99 and another great summer release, A Ghost Story. He also saw an older flick, Michael Douglas cop thriller Black Rain.

Finally, Cory discusses the newest Netflix acquisition, David Letterman’s return – My Next Guest Needs No Introduction, a series of interviews led by the thrilling ex-late night host.

Join us as we talk about the highlights of our week, below:

Remember, always comment responsibly!

Podcast Dec 29 – Best and Worst of 2017

Oh boy, are you in for some fun – Cory and Tristan have compiled several lists to commemorate the closing of one of the craziest years in cinema, 2017.

The biggest Interjections podcast to date is so big I’m breaking it down for you this way:

00:00 – First, the pair goes through a handful of films they saw this week, including I, Tonya, Last Flag Flying, The Trip to Spain, Downsizing and Mudbound. Basically the pair did their weekly podcast before diving into the categorical subject matter of this end of the year review.

1:04:30 – Now that they finally get past this week, they start off with the bottom ten – Cory begins with a few dishonorable mentions, and they swap the worst ten back and forth.

1:54:25 – Cory runs through his lists of biggest disappointments and largest surprises (2:00:05).

2:06:40 – Tristan goes over the films he missed this year that he wishes he could have gotten to before this podcast (Cory’s always better at finding his way through everything).

2:12:30 – Just to prolong this even further, both share their favorite performances of the year, back and forth like the worst films. Cory starts off with his worst, naturally. Tristan follows up with his favorites.

2:22:22 – Cory goes on and on about his own favorite performances of the year.

2:29:13 – At long last, Cory and Tristan trade their top ten back and forth. Tristan has some honorable mentions!

3:26:54 – Last but not least, the Interjections duo decides to revisit their most anticipated lists from back in January, double checking whether they were right about anything, or unabashedly imprecise in their predictions.

All in all, it was one of our best, and we hope you enjoy it. Listen in below, and remember: comment responsibly!